Whisperify was featured on an article on GuitarBased, where the author talked about loving the quiz feature. https://www.guitarbased.com/spotify-websites/
Wrote about the HTML Canvas API and optimizing existing code that recreates the Spotify duotone filter effect. https://codeburst.io/build-spotifys-colorizer-effect-with-javascript-35cb75fc638c
Winner of the 'Make Design More Accessible' track at Camp Figma, Figma's first public design hackathon, with a plugin that guides new designers through the design process. I learned a lot about the...
Put up my first ever hackathon, HowdyHack, with the TAMUhack team at Texas A&M University. The event lasted two days and had 200+ attendees.
Mentored at various hackathons throughout the year and learned a lot about communicating ideas and concepts effectively.
Won prizes at various hackathons throughout the year. I might highlight each individual event in the future.
My application, Whisperify, was featured in an article by Bandwagon, a music media blog with 12K+ unique daily visitors, along with other popular apps that integrate with Spotify. https://www.bandw...
Received an invite from @tom for the opportunity to try out the professional platform that everyone has been raving about. #Polywork
Having used a couple analytics platforms on my web applications. I wrote a little about the differences between the numbers on your dashboard and the real figures. https://towardsdatascience.com/ho...